Livestock buildings

Maximo confort. Tu explotación más rentable.

Buildings for poultry

Nave gallinasNave pollo ecológicoSanidad avícolaSanidad vacas, ovejas y pollos
  • Económico

    Very economic construction

    Simple foundation and quick assembling system.

  • Ambiente fresco

    Great isolation

    Several layers of rock wool can be placed in the roof. Optimal temperature.

  • Naves modulares


    Ventilation, doors and traps can be included. Everything necessary to have a fully complete building.

  • Construcción desmontable

    Long lasting and removable

    Quick and simple assembling. Unions with clamps and bolts. Galvanized structure.

  • Very economic construction

    Low investment. Profitable farm.

  • Isolation

    Isolation with rock wool in one or more layers in the roof and sandwich panel for the walls to isolate. Optimal temperature for hens and ecologic chicken.

  • Accessories

    Traps, ventilation and doors. Everything necessary to have a fully complete building.

  • Removable and long-lasting

    Quick and simple assembling. Unions with clamps and bolts. Galvanized structure.